Programming Fun

With Alice

Date: August 18, 2009



  • ·         Computer programming requires an aptitude for problem solving.

  • ·         A computer program is a solution of a problem.

  • ·         The most important thing is to understand each step of a program before you move onto the next step.



    “Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web.”



    A.    Get familiar with Alice

    ·         With help of your instructor, run an example program by yourself.

    ·         Identify and use the following:

    o   Scene edit mode of Alice environment

    o   Menu bar

    o   Button bar

    o   Object tree: what are the default objects?

    o   The details section: what information does it provide?

    o   The gallery: contains classes ( blueprints of objects)

    o   The world

    o   The camera controls

    o   The object controls

    o   Program edit mode



    B.     Making movie in two steps

    o   Setting up the stage:

    §  does not involve any programming

    §  involves manually setting up the background, and the players

    o   Animating the players:

    §  moving players and making them do things according to your story or game



    C.     Set up a stage:

    o   Create a new world, select the Sand template, and add a Coach object from the People thumbnail.

    o   Make the coach wear a green shirt.

    o   Make the coach turn to left.

    o   Make the coach stretch two hands to two sides.

    D.    Animate object by writing codes:

    o   Make the coach kick his leg:

    §  What objects will move?

    §  What methods will be used and in what order?


    E.     Make a small movie:

    o   Think of a small story with two or three characters.

    o   Set up the stage and write program to animate your story.

    o   Save your file as aliceProject1 in your H drive.